
title page - NASA

forsythia - Public Domain

mossy stream - Nousnous Iwasaki, Unsplash

running on sand - Mitchel Orr, Unsplash

Chuck & Kim, first cabin in Canada - Dan Kramer

full moon over Tamalpais - Gary Yost


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earthshine - Chuck Brickley, Snapshot Press 2017


raven - Mariposa 35, 2016

sweet chariot - Modern Haiku, 48.1 winter/spring 2017


walk away - (c) 1997 Chuck Brickley & Fara Palmer, from "This Is My World", artist Fara (song nominated for Juno Award, Best Music of Aboriginal Canada Recording 1998)

pretty brown - (c) 1999 Fara Palmer, Chuck Brickley & Peter Kilgour, from "Pretty Brown", artist Fara (song nominated for Juno Award, Best Music of Aboriginal Canada Recording 2000)